About Sailweek

about hero image

We are responsible for the best week of your life

Our team, back office, skippers and guest managers are locals, all in love with their beautiful countries. The entire team has local knowledge that allows them to provide a unique experience. Always in constant motion, dedicated to create special moments, doing everything to satisfy the needs and wishes of our guests.


Years of Sailweek


Guests traveled our programs


Countries participated


Year-over-year growth

Sailweek team


Ante Zivkovic

Director & Founder


Vincent Radonich

Director & Founder


Sandra Krstulovic

Head Booking Manager


Duje Tomic

Customer Relations Manager


Ashley Ward

Content & Social Media Executive


Josip Deranja

Operations Manager


Ivana Cenan

Web Developer


Marko Kovač

Operations Coordinator


Lucy Goodger

Operations Coordinator

Explore Sailweek routes